Menu change: Tomorrow's lunch will be turkey sandwich, potato wedges, lima beans, and peach cups
almost 3 years ago, Miranda Nichols
Tyler County students will be on Spring Break from Thursday 4/14 through Tuesday 4/19. School will resume on Wednesday, 4/20. Staff reports on Thursday 4/14 for a Professional Learning Day.
almost 3 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
Military Appreciation Week finishes up Friday with Purple Day.
almost 3 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
Menu change for April
almost 3 years ago, Miranda Nichols
april menu
Thursday, 4/7 is Stars & Stripes day at AIB. Military Appreciation Week continues through Friday.
almost 3 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
Bobcats are celebrating camo day today. Military Week continues tomorrow with Super Hero Day.
almost 3 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
Today is red, white, and blue day at AIB. Tomorrow, Bobcats will celebrate camo day as part of Military Appreciation Week.
almost 3 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
Bobcats, don't forget to show your Military Appreciation tomorrow by wearing red, white & blue!
almost 3 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
April's menu
almost 3 years ago, Miranda Nichols
Classroom picture order forms will come home today. Orders will only be taken until April 8th, that way we can ensure they will be in before school lets out for summer.
almost 3 years ago, Miranda Nichols
class pic
AIB will be celebrating Military Week from April 4 - 8.
almost 3 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
The Peoples Bank Academic Awards Banquet for grades 5-8 will be held on Tuesday, April 5th at Tyler Consolidated; grades 9-12 will be honored on Thursday, April 7th.
almost 3 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
AIB Military Week will be celebrated April 4-8. Check back for more details. Visit for information for military-connected families.
almost 3 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
AIB Student Council Movie Day is scheduled for Friday, April 1st.
almost 3 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
There was some tough competition Saturday at the Regional Social Studies Fair in Parkersburg, but all AIB students came home with ribbons! In group projects, we were represented by Emily Gist, Leah Brightwell, and Holly Johnson with their 2nd place project, "Horses in History." These students all deserve a pat on the back for their dedication to their projects. They worked many hours beyond the school day to become experts, and I am so proud of them. Please congratulate them when you see them!
almost 3 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
There was some tough competition Saturday at the Regional Social Studies Fair in Parkersburg, but all AIB students came home with ribbons! Jaelin Ice's project on Japan recieved Honorable Mention, Bryar Glover's "The Superbowl: Then and Now" earned third place, Prentice Kanz won third place with her project, "What West Virginians Think of the Opossum," and Azlynne Henthorn's project about the impact of The Challenger won 2nd place. These students all deserve a pat on the back for their dedication to their projects. They worked many hours beyond the school day to become experts, and I am so proud of them. Please congratulate them when you see them!
almost 3 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
AIB Spring Photo Day is scheduled for Wednesday, March 3rd.
almost 3 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
Good luck today to students participating in the Regional Social Studies Fair.
almost 3 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
3rd 9 Weeks Report Cards will be sent home with students today.
almost 3 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
4th grade made series and parallel circuits in science. These groups made both types successfully!
almost 3 years ago, Miranda Nichols