Some of our pre-k students participated in National Wear Red Day for American Heart month. We love our little heart warriors!
There is no after school tutoring or school day plus today.
Menu for January 31, 2022
Menu for January 27th and 28th
Menu for January 26th
Menu change
Boreman Bobcats will celebrate our 100th day of school on Thursday, January 27th. Can't wait to see our wise old Bobcats!
Students can take AR tests at home between 7:40 a.m. - 6:00p.m.
Keep reading, Bobcats!
Menu change for January 21st and 24th
Congratulations to all math field day participants. Boreman has 2 moving on to the next round and 3 alternates. Good luck and keep up the great work!
2nd 9 weeks iReady winners! Our Bobcats are smart, keep up the awesome work! Winners not pictured are Isaac R., Ethan C., and Wyatt S.
Menu change
January menu
January edition of Boreman Bites
The staff at AIB would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Boreman students in grades 1-5 recently participated in our school Scripps National Spelling Bee. Congratulations to al of the students who placed. The 1st place winners in 4th and 5th grade will move on to the Regional Spelling Bee in March. Congratulations and best of luck to Lilly Moore and Emily Gist! Way to go!
Some of our PK students went on a Santa hunt earlier and stopped to ask Buddy the Elf for help.
Menu for Friday, December 17th
Boreman students got some special visitors today. The Coachman's Club from the high school came to read a book to each homeroom. Hope these high students enjoyed their time here as much the elementary students did. Thank you Coachman's Club!!
Boreman Elementary students will be participating in an online spelling bee. Good luck to all participants!!